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第三届IEEE亚太电力与能源工程国际会议 (APPEEC 2011) | |||||||||||||||||
作者:佚名 文章来源:不详 点击数 更新时间:2011-1-8 18:21:36 文章录入:xiaohe 责任编辑:xiaohe | |||||||||||||||||
会议名称(英文):Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 所属学科:电气工程、动力工程及工程热物理、石油与天然气工程、冶金工程、
机械工程、能源科学技术 会议论文集是否检索: Ei Compendex & ISTP
开始日期:2011-3-25 结束日期:2011-3-28
所在城市:湖北省 武汉市
主办单位:IEEE Power and Energy Society
华北电网,四川省智能电网实验室 承办单位:武汉大学电气工程学院
议 题:
1.电力工程 2.能源工程 全文截稿日期: 2010-11-5 论文录用通知日期:2010-11-25
[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系人: Hui Zhang
联系电话:13247176472 027-68774430
会议背景介绍: Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2011) will be held from March 25~28, 2011 in Wuhan, China. The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE. All papers accepted will be indexed by Ei Compendex & ISTP.
Power Generation - Conventional and Renewable
Hydropower technologies and applications
Thermal power technologies and applications
Safe nuclear energy generation and utilization
Wind power generation and utilization
Bio-energy technologies, process and utilization
New technologies and design for energy efficiency
New technologies for minimizing CO2 generation
Environmental-friendly technologies for power generation
Geothermal and tidal wave energy
Photovoltaic for solar power applications
Waste products as fuel
Other sustainable energy
Power System Management
Power system management technologies
Integrated substation automation technologies
Power system monitoring and mitigation technologies
Online monitoring and fault diagnosis system
Control strategies for modern power system stability
Modeling and simulation of large power systems
Application of wide area measurement system (WAMS)
Power system analysis and optimization
Load modeling, estimation and forecast
Power system planning and operation
Power Transmission and Distribution Ultra High Voltage (UHV) technologies
HVDC and flexible AC transmission system (FACTS)
Over-voltage, lightning protection and grounding
Electromagnetic transient in high voltage power systems
Insulation condition monitoring in power systems
Advanced distribution and SCADA technologies
Electromagnetic compatibility in power systems
Plasma physics and the pulsed power technology
Electromagnetic analysis in power systems
Smart Grid Technologies
Modeling of Grid environments
Agent-based mechanisms for Grid markets
Resource allocation in Grid scenarios using agent-based approaches
Automated negotiation for Grid resource allocation
Agent-based simulation of Grid environments and markets
Agent-based Computational Economics for Grid
Engineering of Grid markets and Grid architectures
Technical research on future application domains
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